
Sakura Card Captors - Tomoyo Singing .¸.•*¨`*✩♬♪

#TeamOdaSAkuraCatchSparklingMelodies .¸.•*¨`*♬♪¸ Welcome Oda Sakura to the Team Magic. The song is performed by Iwao Junko

Recently the song brought to me, moments of pure enchantment in my life, not just as entertainment and something that goes far beyond. Then I remembered the beauty of the chant Tomoyo to attract and capture Clow Card, The Song.

Like The Voice, The Song loves singing. It is attracted to any beautiful songs that it hears, often copying them (to memory). However, unlike Voice, Song cannot steal people's voices, it merely copies them. Song is very shy and is easily scared away by loud sounds or sudden movements, but it can be coaxed into its visible form if it feels safe. The Song will also try its best to make the song perfect just like the singer of the song.
The Song is under Windy.

In Episode 23 of the anime, Sakura first encounters Song in the school music room while investigating a rumor that it was haunted. According to the rumor, a young girl can be heard singing in the music room after everybody else has left.

Like Detective while investigating the mysterious singing late one night, Sakura Oda... Sorry, Sakura Kinomoto, discovers that it is emanating from Song, but every time she tries to get close enough for capture, Meiling accidentally makes noise that frightens the card away.

After a continued pursuit, Sakura realizes that Song is singing a song that Tomoyo was rehearsing earlier that day and that it is using Tomoyo's voice. Tomoyo starts singing, too, which draws the card out and into its visible form, where it sings a duet with Tomoyo and then is immediately captured by Sakura.

Song is instrumental later on in the capture of the Voice card, luring it out of hiding.

In Episode 46 of the series, The Song appeared behind Sakura, to help her to remember her world.

Song is transformed in Episode 49, when Sakura uses it to lure a cursed piano, which follows the sound of Tomoyo's voice, off the roof of her school.

Appearances in Other Media
The Song appears in the Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle manga, being part of Suzuran's troupé in Shara country.

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